shakira No hay más de un misterio

Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors.A pesar de sus muestras de aprecio públicas en las redes sociales, la

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shakira mermelada - Una visión general

"I didn't like what the designers at Sony had created, and I asked Sasha what he thought about it," the songstress said in an interview.Shakira also shared a photo of Sasha's feet from the hospital, writing, "I have Daddy's feet, it looks like I've been playing football my whole life."Celebridades Shakira acento por primera momento de su separació

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La guía definitiva para shakira y pique

"I didn't like what the designers at Sony had created, and I asked Sasha what he thought about it," the songstress said in an interview.Un hito admisiblemente importante en la carrera artística de Shakira se dio a finales de 2001 con la estampado de su álbum "Servicio de lavandería"A pesar de tener una figura curvilínea, la talla de mama de Sha

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